Connect to your true nature with mindfulness, movement & breath.

Deepen connection to your Self, enhance nervous system resiliency and cultivate more joyfulness in your life through yoga therapy.


What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga has been popularized as an exercise practice that builds strength and flexibility in the body. However, yoga extends much deeper and offers many tools to help one navigate through the challenges of life.

Yoga therapy is the therapeutic application of yogic tools to address specific concerns, goals and conditions. It considers the multidimensionality of existence — including body, mind and spirit — and how they mutually interact with one another. Yoga therapy is a truly individualized experience that involves personal assessment, goal setting, intentional movement, breathing, meditation and lifestyle recommendations. The aim of yoga therapy is to reduce or manage symptomology; promote health and well-being and find balance on all levels of the system.

As a certified yoga therapist, we can work together to create a tailored practice to cultivate balance in your life. I am currently seeing clients virtually or in-person in Austin, TX.

Benefits of Yoga Therapy

  • Body

    Yoga therapy can improve strength, flexibility, mobility, reduce chronic pain, prevent injury and aid injury recovery. Additionally, it has been shown to be beneficial as an adjunct therapy for chronic dis-ease and illness, such as heart disease, MS, arthritis and cancer. Yoga therapy is always adapted to each individual. One does not need to be flexible to practice.

  • Mind

    Yoga therapy is beneficial in reducing many common mental health experiences, such as anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Intentional movement, breathing and meditation can improve concentration, enhance mood and increase nervous system resiliency.

  • Spirit

    The practice of yoga provides opportunity for deep listening of the Self, or one’s true nature. Yoga therapy can help to reconnect one to their own inner teacher and/or connection to divinity (in whatever way resonates with you). This may allow one to more clearly see their path, improve decision-making, and live a more joyful life.

What does a session look like?

What to expect

Prior to meeting, you’ll receive a intake form to complete, which includes your concerns and goals. The first yoga therapy session is around 75-90 minutes and includes discussion, goal-setting, postural, breath, and movement assessment to create a practice that works best for you in this moment in time. All following sessions are usually 60 minutes in length. At the end of each session you are given resources to guide yourself through your personalized practice in your own space. It is recommended that at least three sessions are booked to allow for in-depth exploration of your practice and its effects on your life. Frequency of sessions is entirely up to you - however, it is recommended that the second session is two weeks after the first session.


If you are located in Austin, TX then yoga therapy sessions can be held in-person. I rent studio space located in South Austin. If you are based anywhere else in the world (or would prefer to stay in the comfort of your own home!), then sessions are also provided virtually. For folks with transportation or mobility concerns, I can travel to your home at an additional cost.


My goal is to make yoga therapy accessible to all. In pursuit of this ethos, I offer yoga therapy on a sliding-scale from $50-80 per hour. Please consider this sliding scale graphic to help you determine the appropriate pricing level for you:

The Green Bottle: Where You Fall on the Sliding Scale by Alexis J Cunningfolk